Thursday, May 4, 2017

Songs About Oregon

May is International Song Writing Month, so here are some songs about Oregon.

The official Oregon state song lyrics, "Oregon, My Oregon," were written by John A. Buchanan with music by Henry B. Murtagh. They entered the song into a contest in 1920 and won, It was published, endorsed by the state superintendent of public instruction, then adopted by the legislature in 1927.

"Land of the Empire Builders, Land of the Golden West;
Conquered and held by free men, Fairest and the best.
On-ward and upward ever, Forward and on, and on;
Hail to thee, Land of the Heroes, My Oregon.

Land of the rose and sunshine, Land of the summer's breeze;
Laden with health and vigor, Fresh from the western seas.
Blest by the blood of martyrs, Land of the setting sun;
Hail to thee, Land of Promise, My Oregon."
Last November, 1859 Oregon Magazine posted an article about 18 more contemporary songs that refer to Oregon, including Dolly Parton's "Eugene, Oregon," which is based on a true story about how she got homesick during her 1972 tour, and the people of Eugene made her feel better.