Saturday, January 7, 2017

View "The Big One" with us in Joseph, Oregon

The major astronomical event of 2017 is coming

 The moon will block the sun on August 21st in our first total solar eclipse since 1979.

Artist Interpretation of Total Solar Eclipse over the Wallowa Mountains

Eclipse chasers from around the world are expected to descend on Oregon in 2017, and many camp sites under the path of totality -- a narrow swath about 75 miles wide that swoops across America in an arc from Oregon to South Carolina -- are already reserved.

In northeastern Oregon, the path of totality includes the area south of the Wallow Mountains. Joseph, just to the north of the Wallows, is one ring out from the path of totality, and most of the sun will still be dramatically blocked by the moon.

View the Eclipse from Joseph, Oregon

The Mountain View Motel & RV Park has a large lawn and a great unencumbered expanse of sky above, perfect for donning eclipse glasses and viewing the spectacle. The good news is, we still have some vacancies. But call quickly because they won't last.

Get Eclipse Shades

No matter where you view the eclipse, be sure to use eclipse glasses that block out harmful ultraviolet light. These glasses should be worn whenever a part of the sun can be seen. You can pick up a pair of eclipse shades online for $2.99 each at

By the way, the accompanying image is our digital artist's rendition of the event, and we don't expect the sun to be that big! Nevertheless, a total solar eclipse is a sight you will never forget.

Call the Mountain View Motel & RV Park today at (541) 432-2982 to reserve your spot.